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Hi guys,

Long time no post. I read in the archived MM forum that some people have used KT88's in their MM's. I'm after thickness more than high end definition so might pull the trigger on some as they would be backup/alternate for my Peavey Valveking II as well.

Here's the burning question: Can the KT88's (JJ or EH, haven't decided) stand up to the plate voltage? From what I've read, KT88's are very versatile, but people on this forum are usually of the mind that only EL34 or 6CA7 should be used.

I'd appreciate any thoughts on the matter. Also on EH vs JJ's if anyone's interested. I've got a set of JJ 6CA7's currently which are really excellent.

Edit: Might be helpful to know I've got both a 65w and 130W HD. Both have the phase inverter tube. Mid 70's build.



Music Man Equipment
Late 70's 212 65w
Late 70's 210 HD 130w

Member for

6 years 5 months

TedNugent Fri, 03/05/2021 - 23:32

Hi Guys,

Going to try this again - I've done some digging. Here is a spec sheet for a KT90 (Electro Harmonix). Assuming I'd be game to fork out for these...can someone please confirm KT90s are actually rated for a HIGHER plate voltage than 6CA7's? It says 850V (EH) compared to 800V for 6CA7 (JJ). I've attached the 6CA7 spec sheet also. I'm as much an electrics guy as Mike Tyson is a florist so any help appreciated. It pays to ask.

Anyone tried these in their MM or heard on anyone who has?

Thanks ~


Attachment Size
kt90eh.pdf (1.29 MB) 1.29 MB
6ca7.pdf (497.92 KB) 497.92 KB