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New Website

Just want to invite all the past members to the new format and welcome them back. Jochen has done a great job in rebuilding the site as we move into the newest forum. Look around and see what's changed and what's still here. All the old info is here and we can start a new page in MM history.    Mike. 

Member for

13 years

jochen.wendeba… Fri, 08/02/2024 - 11:45

Thank you, Mika.

All, let me know if anything is broken or missing.

Also improvements and suggestions are welcome!

Full Name
Music Man Equipment
6 Combos MM 130HD212
1 Head 130HD
and more...

Member for

3 years 9 months

direstrat Fri, 08/02/2024 - 23:45

Hello !

Thank you so much for this work Jochen !

Long life to ! 

Have a nice day !



Full Name
Alvin Ward
Music Man Equipment
Music Man Amplifier 115-Sixty Five

Member for

10 years 10 months

music_al Sun, 08/04/2024 - 12:07

Thanks for the notification about the new website.  I got logged in okay without any problems.  I wanted to check out the Photo Galleries, but there seems to be a problem as I didn't see any User photos in the gallery.  I thought that I had sent in a photo of my MM Amp several years ago, but I couldn't locate it in the user gallery.  It was a picture of a music man model 115-65, which I bought used in 2010.  I found the Music Man Website a few years later as I got curious and was looking for information about the amp.

Music Man Equipment
MM 2-10-65

Member for

10 years 10 months

mm210 Mon, 08/05/2024 - 15:52

In reply to by music_al

If I had to guess, your photo was probably in the FIRST MM discussion board from years ago. It was updated several years ago to the NEW forum and now it's on it's third reincarnation. If you wish, you can probably find it on the first board, that is still available. Let me know and I'll post you the link. There are a LOT of folders and photos that didn't translate to the 2nd gen forum.