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Kill Me If You Must

Alright everybody.

I went through a long period of trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with my 210HD 130 (which was ultimately never resolved, long story, look it up in the maintenance thread) and while the chassis was out (for over a year, I was across the Atlantic for the first half of 2015) I decided to go ahead and redo the tolex and grill cloth because they were both a little worn. I know everybody here is about preserving the Music Man as they are... but how'd I do.

Music Man Equipment
MM 2-10-65

Member for

10 years 10 months

mm210 Fri, 01/15/2016 - 07:13

OH-- MY____GAWD! Not my cup of tea but if you're happy, go for it. Think I would have picked something besides flowers though! Mike.

Full Name
Rob Flindall
Music Man Equipment
112RD-100 with EVM speaker, built 1981

Member for

10 years 4 months

RD112 Sat, 01/16/2016 - 16:33

I like it! Better than the wicker cane I have also seen

Full Name
Ty Ueda
Music Man Equipment
210 RD100, 210 HD130, 112 RD50, JBL E110, JBL D130F, WGS Veteran 30, WGS G10C
Silvertone Guitars ->TU2->ToneBender->Pitch Pirate Deluxe->DL4->DODFX20b->Holy Grail->Behringer RV600->Demo Tape Fuzz->TrueBypass Looper->Amp

Member for

10 years 10 months

wheyface Tue, 01/19/2016 - 07:41

In reply to by bill_moore

It's a pretty thick material still with a pretty forgiving, yet sturdy stretch to it. The grill cloth was actually the thing that took me the longest to find. I have 5 different cloths somewhere that I decided to go against.

Music Man Equipment
2/12/65 combo & HD130 Reverb Head running two Carvin 2x12 cabinets 4ohm.

Guitar: G&L Legacy Special. We have a few home made tunes posted at.. Please drop in and have a listen (It's all free!!) if you're bored, a little fuzzy, or just curious what Davey does. Thank You.

Member for

10 years 10 months

davey Tue, 01/19/2016 - 04:01

Hey.. What's that in the background right above the power switch and amp light? Is that an old Sears Silvertone 150 watt amp head? Wowzers, I had one of those back in the day when I was in High School. (all the old memories come rushing in..) 150 watt transistor head, 6-10's speaker cabinet, face full of pimples, bell bottom pants, and covered with Jade East cologne. Perfect..

Oops, apologies for going off topic, old guy rambling. You did a nice job restoring your amp and if you like it then that's all that matters. "When you start worrying what other people will think, is when you become their prisoner." (read that somewhere, prolific eh?) Dave.

Full Name
Ty Ueda
Music Man Equipment
210 RD100, 210 HD130, 112 RD50, JBL E110, JBL D130F, WGS Veteran 30, WGS G10C
Silvertone Guitars ->TU2->ToneBender->Pitch Pirate Deluxe->DL4->DODFX20b->Holy Grail->Behringer RV600->Demo Tape Fuzz->TrueBypass Looper->Amp

Member for

10 years 10 months

wheyface Tue, 01/19/2016 - 07:45

In reply to by davey

Well to be really specific... it's the 100 watt version. Silvertone 1464. That model was the first amp I ever bought. Got it at a guitar store in a straight trade for this terrible vox solid state bass amp. Had the matching cabinet and everything. Mint condition. Beautiful amp. I sadly sold it because I wanted a 100RD (still regretting that to some extent) but I had the opportunity to pick just the head up at a yard sale for $10 recently (and it included a JBL D130F, Holy Grail, and a DOD Phaser all for free) so I think I did okay.

I really like the way the amp looks. I can't say I did the best job on the top of the amp (cut the top seams before I glued ugh) that top piece might need some re-doing at some point, but I really like the way it looks. Not every amp in the world needs to look flat black and aggressive as hell.

Full Name
Ty Ueda
Music Man Equipment
210 RD100, 210 HD130, 112 RD50, JBL E110, JBL D130F, WGS Veteran 30, WGS G10C
Silvertone Guitars ->TU2->ToneBender->Pitch Pirate Deluxe->DL4->DODFX20b->Holy Grail->Behringer RV600->Demo Tape Fuzz->TrueBypass Looper->Amp

Member for

10 years 10 months

wheyface Tue, 01/19/2016 - 07:45

In reply to by davey

Well to be really specific... it's the 100 watt version. Silvertone 1464. That model was the first amp I ever bought. Got it at a guitar store in a straight trade for this terrible vox solid state bass amp. Had the matching cabinet and everything. Mint condition. Beautiful amp. I sadly sold it because I wanted a 100RD (still regretting that to some extent) but I had the opportunity to pick just the head up at a yard sale for $10 recently (and it included a JBL D130F, Holy Grail, and a DOD Phaser all for free) so I think I did okay.

I really like the way the amp looks. I can't say I did the best job on the top of the amp (cut the top seams before I glued ugh) that top piece might need some re-doing at some point, but I really like the way it looks. Not every amp in the world needs to look flat black and aggressive as hell.

Full Name
Dustin McLaughlin
Music Man Equipment
RD50 112

Member for

9 years

highpedality Wed, 02/03/2016 - 20:33

I LOVE THAT! Looks so good!