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RP112 EV bad sounding overdrive

Hi guys,

I recently bought a MM RP112 100 watt with an EV speaker in it. So far I'm very happy with it. The cleans sound amazing and the phasor is a cool feature. Though, whenever I use an overdrive/fuzz pedal (which I really have to use for the music that I'm playing) the amp starts to sound like a complete pile of dirt. There's absolutely no definition left in whatever I'm playing. I have another musicman with a celestion vintage in it and that one does not have this problem.

I'd like to know if this is a commen problem and if it is speaker related. As far as I know the amp is in great condition.

Hope to hear from you guys,


Music Man Equipment
MM 2-10-65

Member for

10 years 10 months

mm210 Thu, 05/19/2016 - 06:35

From what I remember, EV's didn't like dirt that much, they liked clean. You might try subbing the celestion for the EV and see what it sounds like. Maybe just a jumper harness so you don't have to physically CHANGE the speakers would be in order. Mike

Music Man Equipment
Music man RP112 100 (ev speaker)
Music man RD112 75 (celestion vintage)

Member for

8 years 9 months

Superstaaf Thu, 05/19/2016 - 07:34

In reply to by mm210

I'll check that out first. Thanks!