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New Production knobs for sale

I have a large number of new production knobs from the same manufacturer that made them 50 years ago for Music Man and Sunn. I wanted them for my amp, the minimum order was 500, of course I needed the knobs so of course I bought 500. I figured if I wanted them so badly, surely others would as well. I'm selling 460 of them, or somewhere thereabouts, so as to have enough left to restore my future Music Man amps that will inevitably come into my life as it goes on.

Note that the price is artificially inflated above what I would have *liked* to sell them for, to account for fees associated with selling on those sites. My apologies for that but I am still, at the end of the day, simply selling them "at cost."…

Full Name
Lars Verholt
Music Man Equipment
HD-130 head, 210X cab, 210RH cab, RD-50 110 combo, Sixty-Five 112 combo, RP65-112

Member for

10 years 10 months

lmv Wed, 10/12/2016 - 18:14

Hyperform, you deserve the 'attaboy of the week' in my book. Don't apologize for the price - you deserve to make 5 cents for your efforts.

Lars Verholt

Full Name
Joel D Cagle
Music Man Equipment
I just bought a 210 65 from a pawn shop. Very good condition and seems to be all original. This is my second MM amp as I traded off a 212 130 many years ago. I currently own 210 Sixty-Five, Fender DRRI,
Pro Jr., Concert(Rivera),'70 Bassman,Gibson Falcon,'77 Marshall 1987,JTM612, 4x12,2x12's...stuff. Usually plug a Les Paul or Tele into these, ocassionally a Strat.

Member for

9 years 2 months

Joel DC Fri, 10/14/2016 - 05:38

Got some on the way! Thanks for posting it here. Attaboy!!

Full Name
keith fejeran
Music Man Equipment
music man 112 RP

Member for

7 years

keithf Wed, 01/31/2018 - 14:37

I know I'm super late to this but just seeing if you might have one knob left for sale? Thanks

Full Name

Member for

5 years 2 months

corpblues Tue, 12/10/2019 - 11:24

Looking for a few mm 0-10 knobs also.. Let me know if you have any.

Full Name
Chris Pettifer
Music Man Equipment
Music Man 210 Sixty Five

Member for

4 years 10 months

Kristo Mon, 04/20/2020 - 03:16

I don’t suppose you still have some of those 500 x ‘0 to 10’ knobs to suit my Musicman 210 HD?

Full Name
Chris Pettifer
Music Man Equipment
Music Man 210 Sixty Five

Member for

4 years 10 months

Kristo Mon, 04/20/2020 - 03:16

I don’t suppose you still have some of those 500 x ‘0 to 10’ knobs to suit my Musicman 210 HD?

Full Name
Sam Horclund

Member for

3 years 9 months

owl1932 Wed, 04/28/2021 - 01:56

Do you still have knobs for sale? I am looking for the black skirted knobs with numbers, the ones that look similar to Fender knobs but their proportions are a bit different.

Music Man Equipment
MM 2-10-65

Member for

10 years 10 months

mm210 Wed, 04/28/2021 - 16:00

That link is still active so you can get the knobs from him still. Mike

Full Name
Chris Jackson
Music Man Equipment
1974 Sixty Five (AN00460) and 1979 HD-130 Reverb (B010245)

Member for

8 years 4 months

hyperform Mon, 06/07/2021 - 13:40

Hi, OP here. I keep getting messages on the Reverb listing inquiring about availability. I ended the listing 3 years ago when I ran out of knobs. I do not have any more, and never will. Many apologies to everyone who missed out, I know how you feel--indeed, that's why I bought them to begin with. However, someone else is going to have to pick up the torch, it's not going to be me again. I know this will come as a somber note of finality to everyone who might otherwise have held out hope.

I am still happy to reply to anyone (via Reverb) who has questions about my experience if they feel like they are on the fence about whether they themselves want to blow an absurd amount of money and try to recoup it through small sales. I am an open book on that matter. However, my inventory of 0 will remain the same. I ordered 500 exactly, kept 20 for my two amps, and sold the 480 others to the last.

Full Name
Music Man Equipment
6 Combos MM 130HD212
1 Head 130HD
and more...

Member for

3 years 9 months

direstrat Sat, 12/18/2021 - 22:29


First of all, a big thank you to Hyperform for his exprerience and feedback informations !

The good news is that the original manufacturer still had the molds. So they were able to put MM knobs into production, but they needed to fulfill a minimum order to make it worth their time since it wasn't one of their standard products. So I have been trying for several months to contact them by e-mail for advance payment for commitment.

But I have had no response... I would like to be able to call them but being in France and speaking badly american, I am afraid that I would not be taken seriously by the manufacturer. Still, I'm willing to order the minimum order quantity for their
155 series control knobs which corresponds to vintage music man knobs...

I would like to point out that I am not a salesperson but just an enthusiast frenchy who would like to be able to restore his own MM amps for the pleasure of the eyes and ears !

Could there be an American among you who could help me contact them?

Have a nice day !


Full Name
Music Man Equipment
6 Combos MM 130HD212
1 Head 130HD
and more...

Member for

3 years 9 months

direstrat Sat, 08/13/2022 - 08:17


That's right ! New production... with some little variations !

From left to right :

1 - Rogan's new production
2 - Rogan's new production
3 - original production (mint condition)
4 - original production (bad condition)
5 - spare knob (before painting the numbers and adding the aluminum plate)

Have a nice day !

