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re-coning Original MM speakers 212 HD 130


the MM amp I got has been mistreated so ugly...(jpgs)

I tink re-coning would be the best idea.
>Does anyone have experience in Germany/Europe? Shipping+customs from US would be too expensive


Full Name
Walter Grund
Music Man Equipment
HD 212 130W

Member for

7 years 7 months

waltergrund Mon, 06/26/2017 - 02:58

German distribution wants to know what speakers these are EXACTLY to help me with re-coning:

Greatly appreciate all help from this awesome site!


Full Name
Lars Verholt
Music Man Equipment
HD-130 head, 210X cab, 210RH cab, RD-50 110 combo, Sixty-Five 112 combo, RP65-112

Member for

10 years 10 months

lmv Mon, 06/26/2017 - 06:31


the code '67' denotes Eminence. The type is A12G-HD, an OEM variant made for Music Man. These are routinely reconed so I'm sure your place can find the right kit. Well worth it too!

Lars Verholt