HD 130 Head input jacks
HD 130 Head input jacks |
Music Man Amps Discussion Forum » Front Panel Insert Jacks » HD 130 Head input jacks
Author | Message | ||
Jens |
The question is about a HD 130 - a bit off topic, but I hope you don't mind ;-) |
Steve Kennedy |
The second input jack is different in that it is coupled to the circuit using a larger resistor. This is done for a couple of reasons. |
carl from AUS. |
that was the most useful info ever thankyou so much |
Steve Kennedy |
You bet...brag away! |
Glenn Smith |
I have a 212-75 and found a combination I like. I come out of the left/right outputs of my delay to the #2 inputs on each channel (I found #1 to overpower too much). I roll off the volume of my guitar for a nice, thick clean and pour it on for a serious crunch. |
Gabriel |
if jack #2 can be used to connect to jack #1 of the 2nd channel does that mean it can be used as a line out for recording purposes or would it be to strong of a signal? |
aje |
Well if it's going into a line level input, I would assume it is a line level output. |
michael kaus |
You could dial down the signal but it would be dry and straight guitar-the amp really wouldn't be driving the signal therefore you would have none of the effects of the amp coloring it. It would only get what you were putting into it and that usually isn't very good for guitar. Mike |
Steve Kennedy (admin) Username: admin Registered: 03-2002 |
Using Jack 2 as an output gives you LESS signal than the guitar puts out and it would be closer to a microphone-level signal than a Line-level signal! |
Adam (adam79) Username: adam79 Registered: 10-2010 |
Steve wrote: |
Josue Roberto Lopez Lobo (jorololo) Username: jorololo Registered: 01-2008 |
I know this is old, but I wanna try it... |
Member for
5 years 3 monthsMember for
5 years 3 monthsHD 130 Head input jacks
Hello Everyone,
Does anyone happen to know the answer for the question of Josue Roberto:
"Does this only work when using "Hi" Power. Also, does the "channel coupler" work if done in reverse of the way you explained (i.e. starting by plugging the guitar into Jack #1 of the Reverb/Tremolo channel)? Does it also work when plugging the guitar into Jack #2 and jumping from Jack #1?"
Many thanks in advance,
Member for
10 years 11 monthsOnly works on some amps
Jumpering the channels only works on some amps. The 2275-130/65 and 2475-130/65 with reverb+tremolo inverts the phase on the second op-amp on Channel 2 so you get signal cancellation if you try to jumper.
2100-65/130 amps and the later 2100-150/75, 2275-150/75 and 2475-150/75 will allow jumpering of channels. The hi/lo setting only affects the power amp so jumpering will work in either setting. Jumpering can go both ways - when you use both jacks in one channel it doesn't matter if input 1 or input 2 is the 'in' and which is the 'out'. The amp doesn't care which channel you consider '1' or '2' - that's just a human user issue, so to speak. Just try experimenting. I could totally see a 2100 amp with a reverb device of some sort between the channels so you can have separate eq and volume for the wet signal.
Lars Verholt
HD one thirty effects in the bridge?
Is it possible to insert effects like fuzz or distortion between channels when bridging them?