HD 150 channel 2 not working
Wondering if anyone has run into this. I’ve had my HD-150 for decades. It’s worked fine until a few months ago, wasn’t even playing it at the time. Anyway the first channel still works spectacularly, but the bright channel with the reverb/trem(phasor) thing isn’t passing any sound. Well, the reverb tank still makes a ruckus if you give it a smack, but nothing passes from the inputs. I mostly used this channel, so it’s a bit of a bummer. Anyone seen this?
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Lars Verholt
Music Man Equipment
HD-130 head, 210X cab, 210RH cab, RD-50 110 combo, Sixty-Five 112 combo, RP65-112
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10 years 10 monthsFull Name
David Hennessy
Music Man Equipment
IC 2 is the Op-amp in CH2 - it may be defective or there is a bad connection, could even be dirty IC socket. I would start by swapping IC1 and IC2 and see if the dead channel is now CH1. If so, you have the solution.
Lars Verholt